Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

“Hot, Flat, and Crowded” and Broke

I would like to recommend book, “Hot, Flat, and Crowed
Why we need a green revolution –and how it can renew America”
By Thomas Friedman

This is a book about the state of America, how we lost our way, and what we need to do our groove back to be on top of solving the world’s problems. Government is having difficulty dealing with large national problems such as financial markets, health care, social security, and energy let alone deal with the world’s problems. Friedman states, “Green is not just a new form of creating electric power. It is new form of creating national power. It is not just about lighting up our house; it is about lighting up our future”

The world is hot. Al Gore was wrong, we are not heating up exponentially, we are heating up faster. The LA Times (January 2009) noted that each 1” of rise in sea level in Los Angeles is a loss of about 40” of beach.

The world is Flat, Technology and the Internet has created an equal playfield for countries around the world. The country that dominates energy and technology will be the most successful country.

The world is Crowded. Today there is 6.7 billion people in the world, by the middle of this century the population will increase by estimated 40 to 45% to 9 billion people. In twelve years, by 2020 we will add I billion people to the world. The Los Angeles Times states “L.A. County alone will top 13 million by 2050, an increase of almost 3.5 million residents.”

Friedman states that the five trends that will define the 21st Century are:

1. Energy resources supply and demand. Now so many people can live like Americans. But if everyone in the world lives like an American the energy resources and material requirements will require 5 planet earths.

2. Petro-dictatorships. The Freedom House “Freedom Index” shows that as price of oil goes down there is more freedom in the world. As the cost of the oil goes up then there will be less freedom as we empower through our spending the petro-dictators.

3. Global Warming. We have introduced so much CO2 into the atmosphere we do not know if humans or god made it hot. Who caused Katrina was it caused by man heating up the earth or was it an act of god? The ice caps melting was predicted to be complete by 2020, it appears to be happening faster. What is going to happen with all the coastal populations?

4. Energy Poverty. 1 out of 4 people in the world have no energy. If they cannot get to the Internet and will be left behind.

5. Biodiversity loss. One species is lost every 20 minutes. Species we do not or will not ever know or even be aware of. We as a generation will have to act as Noah to save these species.

To make the changes will be difficult because we have cheap oil and gas fuels. The new administration needs to step in and make sure we are charging the full environmental cost of the oil and gas fuels. We need to define the true cost of burning coal, oil and gas. We need leadership that sets up the new rules and principles with authority. Or we will have nothing.

Friedman states that, we have exactly enough time starting now! This is an “Incredible opportunity masquerading as problems”. We can solve the issues with the abundant reliable clean solar electrons; this is the next great global green industrial revolution. The new energy technology revolution is not going to be easy. To change the energy use from oil to clean energy, will be the most difficult task. It is like we are starting the NASA space program when SouthWest Airlines already flies to the moon. We need to create an era similar to that of Space Exploration, only in alternative energy exploration.

Friedman quotes that we need to “Avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable”.

See Friedman speak on the Internet at the “Sixth and I” Video Program

Thanks to Alan Bernstein, AIA, ASLA

Alan Bernstein Architects

Mike Pearson - Stone Masonry Contractor Los Angeles

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